After the tour, the younger crowd all went to lunch at a great little restaurant in Manhattan called Vespa. The food was very fresh & the backyard garden made me feel like we were in a special secluded little hideaway.
After lunch, Steve & the girls went for a tour of Dianne's fantastic new office in the Time Warner Center building at Columbus Circle. (Alec had to go get his haircut - too bad!) What a view of Central Park that girl has! Amazing. She's a very lucky woman.
That evening, Alec & I had dinner with Alec's family (those mentioned above) and good friend Bob Surace. It was a fantastic day, all around.
Di had so much fun that she and Deb met up w/Steve the next day for the sunset ceremony on the USS Wasp (LHD-1), which is an altogether different kind of ship. I would have loved to have gone, however Alec & I were off celebrating our first anniversary.
We spent the afternoon at the La Prairie Spa at the Ritz for couples workouts & massages - which makes for very happy munchkins! Alec & had a wonderful dinner at Bar Americain (Bobby Flay's most recent of his NY restaurants - which I'd been wanting to go to for over a year now). We stayed the night at the Ritz & then came back north the next day to play tennis at the Mount Kisco Country Club.
So... life ain't bad! Hope your weekend was as much fun!