Actually, things have been pretty good lately. Although I'm as swamped as ever at work, I've been getting LOTS done - which leads to a great sense of accomplishment. That's much better than the usual feeling I have of slogging through the bureaucratic sludge of working lots and accomplishing little.
I've got 2 major projects going on right now that are close to completion - which means they are both about to go through the executive review phase. Why does everything always happen at once??? Anyway, I'm very pleased to finally be at this phase. So, hopefully I'll be able to announce that all's done & I'm off working on the next big thing (which is likely to be the beginning of the update to the projects that I've just completed! Ugh!) Anyway, I'm going to try to enjoy this moment before I get back to the dull drums too soon!
Speaking of dull drums (not that is was dull), but since I'm using my sailing terminology here... I thought I'd share this fantastic photo of the Pell bridge that Alec took during our recent trip to Newport, RI (July 4th weekend).