Once that's all settled, it's just a matter of geting the stamps that I ordered on line from the US Postal Service and printing out the mailing labels. I picked up some clear mailing lables by Avery that I hope work out well. I didn't think these announcements were worth the extra printing cost for each envelope to be addressed by the printer. We'll save the niceties for the invites.
I've finally gotten motivated to get back into shape. I think it was the save-the-date notices that got to me. Anyway, I'm back on Weight Watchers. Today is only my third day, but there's already a noticable difference. I've not weighed myself since Monday & only plan to do so once a week. My clothes feel looser, though. Monday was the hardest day. I think my stomach growled all day. I snapped at Alec, too. He's always talking about food. I just couldn't take it anymore. Other than that, he's been really supportive. The real test will be when Chuck & Carol get back. It's going to be hard because Carol is always cooking such great meals. I'll just have to be careful about my portions.
I've also been exercising... which has been extremely hard as there has been a heat wave this week. I knew it was bad when the weather icons from my forecast fox browser plug-in turned into red sweltering thermometers. It was scary! Anyway, so most of my weight loss is probably from sweating! Ich!
Good news on the running front... I really should thank Laura Broenniman. She's the one who motivated me to get back into running. There's a half marathon in Ridgefield in October. I thought that would be a good goal. Right now, I can barely run 4 miles without dying. I'll get there. To think I used to be able to run more than 15 miles at a clip! I've really gotten out of shape! I'll get back though.
Laura & are are going running at the Mianus River Park on Saturday morning. I told her how out of shape I am. However, I don't think she completely understands how seriously out of shape I am. She's gonna find out! Hahahaha!
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