Monday, September 22, 2008

Support your local arts

We went to Curtain Call yesterday afternoon for the first time. It's a local theater group here in Stamford. We saw Agatha Christie's And Then There Were None. I remember reading this story, along with many other AC mysteries as a child. There was a period of time that I was completely enamored with AC. Seeing the play reminded me why. The story was very engaging & smart.

The Curtain Call organization is made up of local actors. The theater was an intimate space where patrons were encouraged to bring their own picnics & enjoy the show. It was a lot of fun & we'll definitely consider going back.

I learned that Alec is a big murder mystery fan. Now I'm tasked with finding more for us to go see. It should be fun.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

The El Charritto Truck

Never thought I'd consider eating at a food truck in Stamford, much less blog about it - but here I am.... I saw an article in the Advocate a few weeks back about this particular food truck. The article discussed about how the couple that runs it is basically putting everything they have into this endeavor. The food is so good that there's been buzz online.

Curiosity killed the cat & I just had to try it out - but when??? So Alec called me to say that he was going out for bevvies w/some colleagues & would be home late. Ah ha! At last my chance had arrived! Scrap the dinner plans, I was headed straight to the famous taco truck!

They weren't kidding... this stuff is the real deal. I'll definitely be back.

photo by A_W_Taylor