Monday, February 22, 2010

Drum roll please...

The moment(s) we've all been waiting for... (these are actually 2 different events & not just one video that's been edited)

Short version, for you "cut to the chase" viewers:

Longer, cuter version for the grandparents to enjoy:

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Roll over dammit!

Julia has decided that she's going to roll over when she's good and ready...

Any time now....

Tuesday, February 09, 2010


We tried out our new Beaba Baby Cook machine today. (Thank you, Nonna & Grampa) Julia's first foray into real food was a bowl of pureed carrots. She not only ate them but demanded more!

Monday, February 08, 2010

We made it through

The last couple of weeks have been pretty tough. It started out with restless nights due to teething & went straight into Julia's first head cold. Luckily, the head cold, despite coming on fast and furious, left just as abruptly. Julia's still teething, but after being sick, it seems to have put things in perspective for her & the teething isn't bothering her nearly as much - for now....

After catching up on some much needed rest, I've finally gotten around to uploading a few more of Julia's latest pictures. They include last week's visit from Nonna and Grampa, cheering for the Jets with daddy during the play offs, wearing one of the outfits she got for Christmas & some pictures of her sleeping in the boppy pillow that I found to be especially cute. Enjoy!

From Julia

(hint: click on her name above to see the full album)

Monday, February 01, 2010


So, if you're wondering why I've not written in a while... it's because Julia has been teething. She's been very fussy and not sleeping AT ALL. So, mommy's too tired to write! I think we're on the far side of it for now. Let's hope the lull lasts a while.